Monday, October 17, 2011

We have Critical Mass

As reported earlier we do have crital mass of jumpers - but don't worry if you have just completed yours - still send it in to us as we will keep stocks available for the Wildlife Rescue Team to draw from if required.  The link for the video on tonights TV3 news in here.


  1. great news -- i was thinking of doing a little campaign here in connecticut, us ... guess going "viral" was a good thing!

  2. That's good news! You may have underestimated the power of a photo featuring a penguin in a knitted sweater... How can anyone resist? The internet surely can't :)

  3. Yep, suspected this would happen…that's why I tried to keep it in Ravelry! Good on you for weathering the deluge of jumpers, but I fear you might keep getting them for months and months… I've noted on the Ravelry pattern ( that there are plenty now.

  4. Hahaha I'm glad you have enough! My friend was JUST about to start making one, but I can tell her that you guys are good :)

  5. Local Fox channel in Seattle just did a little blurb on your project this morning during the news, pointing people to

  6. Can you give me any idea about yarn weight in American terms? is this worsted? Also needle size.

  7. Someone made the following suggestions on The Daily What ( website:

    "They should do a "Penguins in Sweaters" calendar, with the proceeds going to helping the penguins. I'd totally buy one. "

    I would, also, totally buy a calendar.

  8. I, too, would totally buy a calender of Penguins in Sweaters.

  9. I would also buy a penguin in sweaters calendar

  10. Great idea on the calendar as a fund-raiser. Know many would sell here in the US (I'll buy, too!)

    Any way to network with other national wildlife rescue organizations that might have need for the excess penguin jumpers?

    Caught this late (apparently needs are met there?), but I'm going to knit one anyway. Let me know if and when a depository is organized/developed for things like this. I'll send it forward.

  11. Good job! It would be great to see a photo of whole flock of penguins wearing jumpers in a rainbow of colors:-P

  12. Aww man! I was going to push aside all my projects and make one of these. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait for the penguin calendar to come out ;)

  13. Just read about this today, and I'm so glad that you guys have received the massive response that you have! I'm all for the penguin calendar as well! =)
