Sunday, May 10, 2015

We haven't gone AWOL - Promise!

A quick colour snapshot of Burlesque
I know it seems like an age since we last spoke, but things have been so busy here at the yarn kitchen!  As it is Autumn in our corner of paradise, that means that the mill is even busier than usual getting all the yarns spun and coloured for the Southern hemisphere Winter.

How can you resist the colour!  Balling at The Yarn Kitchen
Skeinz is no exception, three of the ranges I have been hotly anticipated have now arrived in store.  Burlesque - a shimmering blend of Silk and Merino, Orb - a high twist on twist Merino & Limbo - an uber chunky wool wrap yarn.

The One Hour Cowl! The Pattern is in store
I'm like a kid in a candy shop madly casting on and trying to get projected completed as I just love all these yarns so much.  Limbo was the obvious starter. being so lush and thick meant I could get a project cast on and completed in just an hour!  Limbo is the ultimate in self gratification knitting - honestly in just one episode of Game of Thrones I had knitted and entire cowl, and no one lost their head (well actually maybe one person lost theirs!)

Yes - it is me!  Look at the hat though - Just love it - Stax by Carina Spencer
I then moved onto Burlesque.  It has been so long since we have spun a silk blended yarn, this one uses Tussah silk, and the effect the silk gives to the yarn is an exotic shimmer that reflects off your stitches to add depth and interest to your work.  I knitted a lovely lacy slouch hat for the shop using the Bluestone grey.  The silk makes the hat drape and the slanting stitches makes the most of the silk qualities.  I am now on the hunt for my next project to make the most of the rich spicy colour palette we have in the range.

My Current WIP in the new Orb, other wise known at "The 'Frozen' Jumper" by my son!

Currently on the needles is Orb Merino.  This is a high twist on twist construction that I have just adored for years.  It makes stocking stitch looks slick and smooth & the twist hold the shape of textured stitches with ease.  The twist also means the wear is excellent - so a brilliant yarn for those garments which can be prone to pilling.  I have started a wee baby jacket with 3 of the contemporary colours in the range.  So far its knitting up a dream, I can now see other projects that will be started to take advantage of the complementary colours.

A woven swatch made up with Orb, Vintage and some Homespun

All these yarns are now online, but if you are in the neighbourhood, do call in.  We have shimmied the shop around and all the yarn looks great.  BTW registrations are now open for Knit August Nights, I'll be profiling some classes soon, but make sure you head over to the KAN website and see what's on offer.

1 comment:

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