Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Creating Chaos

Today's 'Desk Snapshot'
Today is one of those days where I have far too much to do and not enough hours in the day to complete them.  With 4 products returning back into stock, 3 new products & two new colours, I know today was going to be busy!!
In the softest shell pink, this brushed alpaca screams 'baby wrap' or ballet cardigan to me.
The worst thing about getting new products, colours & yarns in when you are already very busy is that I just can't help look at them & be brimming with new ideas of what things I want to design, knit, fiddle....  It just can't happen!  I have 2 projects on the go, with 4 more waiting in the wings & a Retreat to organise!!
I really, really, really.... REALLY want to cast these two on!
So I leave it to you to enjoy these now yarns - like this Persian Green Vintage, with the Teal Brushed Alpaca - honestly don't you see the two of these together & get itchy to cast something on, anything, just one thing to play & create. *sigh*  Get back to work Maree!!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Knitting for Baby

It's a Boy!
I'm not the most sentimental royalist - I have friends who are - but there is something about the birth of a baby that get's the mother in all of us twitchy.  I was utterly delighted for the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge, William & Katherine, as they welcomed their new some into the world this morning.
The delicious Cherub Cardigan
Before I knew it I was on Ravelry looking for Baby patterns, the satisfying search & then discovery of the perfect pattern that you can whip up for that special wee babe & their new parents. As a mum & a knitter for newborn sons myself once upon a time ago, having something that is easy to wear, practical to get on & goes with the wee chaps wardrobe were all considerations for me.  My favourite designer of all things knitted for baby is Justine Turner aka Just Jussi.
Aviatrix - a classic
Justine is a mother of 5 daughters & recent years a grandmother - as a designer she had all the experience to make sure that her designs work.  Her Aviatrix bonnet is online pattern gold, and her most famous design, but I also believe her baby basic's ebook of 7 patterns is an essential in any expectant mother, grandmother, aunties, or best friends knitting arsenal. And who can resist those heavenly wings of Justine's Cherub Cardigan.
My selected design to knit for the new Prince
To celebrate here at Skeinz the Royal birth, I can compiling a parcel of small hand knitted baby garments to send up to the wee prince.  His grandfather, HRH The Prince of Wales is the founder & patron of the Campaign for Wool & our new Heritage NZ Organic Merino is the perfect yarn to knit something for such a precious baby.  Email me if you'd like to help out.  I'm sending the parcel on the 5th of August, if you email your pattern idea, I will send you a ball of either Heritage Myro Fawn or Indie Blue.  I suggest knitting to 3-6 months in size to accommodate for the English Summer.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Colour Riot

The Prism Blanket - just stunning!
I decided I needed colour today - it has been cold, grey & miserable here & the only sure fire fix for this is, well... colour!

So off to our Ravelry Skeinz forum because last week one of our Skeinz darlings, Suz, aka 'cnrstone', posted this blanket, made entirely from Skeinz Prism.  I am so in love with how all the colours just work in a riot of colour.

The pattern she used was Skein Queen - Debbie Orr's Zig Zag Cot Blanket.  Written originally for 4ply yarns, this is a wonderful blanket to throw caution to the wind & experiment with delicious licks of riotous colour.
A great way to use up those sock leftovers
Skeinz Prism is the perfect yarn to create your very own Rainbow's, with crisp vibrant colours.  My favourite designer Georgie Hallam has a design for the little rainbow girl in your family, aptly named the Rainbow Dress. Worn as a spring time dress, or with a Merino top & leggings, this dress is super versatile.

Such a fun dress, that would look amazing in Prism
And in other news....
The first 3 Heritage Shades have hit the shop.  The 8ply/DK Polwarth & sport weight Organic Merino.  I am just waiting to get the final two colours through before I load them up on the web... watch this space....

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Back in the Saddle

The first sample balls of Heritage 
It's so good to be back! After a few weeks recovering from surgery & am back behind my desk, getting very excited about being back.  This morning I have seen the first sample balls of Heritage with their labels, the Boston to Bastille sale has been ticking along in the shop & on the web & Knit August Nights is gathering some real momentum.
The Tunisian Crochet hook was as big as my crutches!
The best thing about an enforced lay off is plenty of knitting & Crochet time.  I did cowls, beanies & even a jumper for our new puppy.  I also got some Skeinz 'homework' in the form of a rather phallic looking crochet hook made by our Mill engineer & the thickest of yarn you could imagine.  So with the guidance of You Tube, I had a crack at Tunisian Crochet.  A sort of Crocheted knitting, if that makes sense, but a load of fun to do when your stuck on your arse with your foot up - I'm note sure where this is leading us... but knowing us, it could be anywhere!