Yvonne (left) with her 2 other Queens & Mr. Bee |
if you would like to help Yvonne & her team mates you can donate either at skeinz or on the Oxfam Trailwalk website.
Yvonne's team is ‘3 Queens and 1 Bee’. You can find out more about us at: http://www.oxfamtrailwalker.org.nz/teams
We will be keeping regular update on their training & fundraising progress here - Good Luck Yvonne!
Oxfam Trailwalk 2013
Oxfam Trailwalker is one of the world's toughest charity team challenges and one of the most rewarding.
Teams of four have to walk – or run – the 100 km course in a limited time in all weather and some rough terrain. But it’s not just a physical challenge: participants are also raising money to help overcome poverty and injustice around the world. It’s a life-changing event.
We have paid our own entry fees, and have arranged and pay for our own food and accommodation. However, this event is a charity fund raiser, and a condition of entry is an agreement to raise money for Oxfam, and our target is $2000. We hope to achieve much more than this.
Since Oxfam Trailwalker New Zealand started way back in 2006 people just like you from all walks of life have raised an incredible $4,764,954 towards Oxfam's vital work in alleviating poverty and demanding justice for the world's poorest communities.